I have not posted lately because well we are in the "waiting pattern" for Cali. It is one of those hurry up and wait. This week I have got to say when I think back at the week it was I will be exhausted just with the memory so I thought right now with Lily asleep I am going to journal while I am still in this week. Am I making any sense? Probally not but just go with me on the week in review. I apologize in advance for the wandering I may do in this entry.
On Monday Peter's school golf team made it into the NC state finals. Greg and I drove to Fayetteville on Monday to watch and back again on Tuesday w/ Greyson and Lily to watch the final round and CCS cruised into victory, the 1st state championship for Cary Christian School.Way to go young men on your golfing and on your sportsmenship though out the season. Lily had to practice being as quiet as a mouse on the golf course. Directly from the golf championship we drove back to Cary to watch the CCS varsity women's soccer team compete for their place in the state finals-they won, Tylar is so happy!
On our way to the golf course on Monday we heard radio reports of the earthquake in China. Well for most Americans China is a far off land but for me I am a mom with a daughter in that far off land. The reports were ofcourse sketchy so I tried to continue with my day. As the reports continue to trickle in, they became worse and worse. Finally I did get word that the epicenter was indeed far from Cali but very close to Lily's birth place. They say there may be 50,000 dead. Many were children were at school since it hit during the day... When I taught in California we had earthquake drills and because I was part of the science dept., we were assigned to morgue duty in the case of a deadly earthquake. Who can imagine the fears of the children and their parents desperatly trying to find, for the most part, their only child in the ruins. I can not bear to imagine the pain. As I reflect now just a few days later I feel so far from Cali. I know I am busy with my other children but wow when something like this hits- don't you want your children right under foot...safe with their mom. I have also thought more about Lily's brthparents, where are they, are they in danger...could they be one of the dead. It is heart breaking. I will be forever tied to that far off land and her family that I will probally never know...
Wednesday I picked up some last minute items for Tylar's graduation-balloons,flowers, shoes and outfits for the other girls.
Thursday-Tylar graduates, my 1st to graduate high school. She looked beautiful. Please God protect and hold her close as she enters a new season in her life. Graduation was a wonderful event, some of these kids I have know since pre-school. They are a great group of kids. It will be exciting to see what GOD has planned for them.. I pray that they can rest in the fact that GOD does have a plan for them. We got the kids to bed by 11 pm , a bit late fro a school night.
Friday the younger kids went to school for 1/2 day and we were on our way to the semi=finals for Tylar's soccer team. They won so we will go back on the road tomorrow for the finals.
Then Saturday-Saturday the senior class is going to the beach house for a week. Lily and I will be joining them.
As I sit and reflect for just a minute, I still am having a hard time grasping all that has happened in this short week, just a pin dot in time. In our family so much has happened to be joyful and thankful for- achievements, graduations, Cali's safety but yet in the bigger picture a huge part of my heart is sad and missing my daughter in China and sad for all those suffering today as I sit in this comfortable chair at my computer. I am thankful, so thankful. As a believer in The ONE and Only Lord Jesus Christ I can take shelter in knowing that whether I am joyous or saddened that HE is all powerful and faithful and HE is holding me in His arms and holding Cali in that far off land.