I do not often get time to read. I am too tired at night and I am too busy during the day. But I do reserve part of my summer to read. I usually bring a stack of books to the beach to read, some I get to and others I do not. I just started Adopted for Life and it is a MUST for all of us! What a great book to give to family and friends who ask WHY?? It is a great reminder for each of us. We are called to adopt, not for us but for God's kingdom. As one of the reviewers said, "There great books about the gospel and there are great books about adoption but this is BOTH!"
And a praise report-new referrals have been sent to new families! Yeah! There are couple of families from our church that have been waiting over three years, they have just received news of their new additions. Two sweet babies from Hunan Province. Congrats!!!