Not sure how far I will get on this post but I am going to give it a try. One year ago we were in China anxiously awaiting the arrival of Cali. I was excited yet scared. I was sure but not sure. I was a confident parent, I was a challenged parent. I was saying goodbye to one child heading off to college and saying hello to another child that God was giving me the privilege to call my own. I was stepping back into a foreign country that this time around did not seem so foreign. I was reuniting with old friends and meeting new friends. I was praying for the days to go quickly so I could hold Cali and was wondering if Cali's foster mother was praying for the same days to go a bit slower as she knew the day was coming that she would have to say goodbye. We as mothers are the ones to hold our children when they are sick, hurt, scared-this is what Cali's foster mother did for my or should I say our daughter. God chose her just as He chose me. Cali's biological mother was also chosen and brave. She could have aborted Cali, hidden the pregnancy, perhaps nobody would have even known of the baby that God had placed in her womb. But no, held that baby until delivery and then placed her safely to be found. Who could ever know the pain of never knowing...
The ladies and men that I met in the Xiamen orphanage were remarkable. They worked with the children who are the least of all of their society. Who do we care for that are lesser than us?
Cali's one year with us has had its challenges. Adjustments were made, sleep was a privilege. Lily had many pieces of hair pulled out... Cali has learned to say, "I so sorry." Lily has also gained a sister. Yes, a REAL sister, just like her other real sisters-Tylar, Madison and Greyson. I just had some one ask me me today if they were "authentic sisters" humm....what are you really asking... YES that are real sisters! All six of MY children have been chosen be God to be real siblings and real children of mine and Greg's. Lily has come between Cali and other kids and announced proudly "Hey, that is MY baby sister!" I have seen Cali soften the hearts of many people. She loves to be carried on Peter and Greg's shoulders and she loves to dance around. Her favorite music is Hannah Montana-you should hear her belt out "The Climb"
She asks me to pray at night when I lay with her. I pray that I can be all that God has put before me, for you my dear Cali, I thank you for letting me in your heart and calling me mommy.
Scroll down and look at how she has grown!
Elijah's 14th birthday, February 22, 2022
5 weeks ago