Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth and the life; if not through me, and no one can come to the Father" (John 14:6)

Isaiah 43:5

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west"

Friday, September 30, 2011

Finger prints check!

Finger prints complete!!!! Need I say more???
Do I have to include that PB "almost" went to the wrong airport or that his flight was delayed or that all the remainder flights from NY were cancelled that day or that we could not find the USCIS office ??

No, I will just say YEAH YEAH! Finger prints done!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finger print Friday!

Please pray that PB gets home tomorrow uneventfully and that our finger print Friday goes off without a hitch. I have sent in all the additional items to the adoption agency. Now it is back to waiting for approvals, authentication of documents and then some more waiting. Hopefully all the paper work will be approved in the next month or so and be sent to China!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Just a moment to complain

I would assume most people who read my blog have some interest in adoption, perhaps adopted, thinking about it or maybe you are my friends and have walked down the adoption journey with me. I am going to say now that I am going to complain but I hope that once it is off my chest I will be done with my pity party and put big girl panties back on and continue the incredible journey that God has allowed our family to be on with Him.
We have our finger print appt set and the airline ticket purchased for PB to come home from college because the US government requires that any one over the age of 18 is required to have finger prints taken for international adoption. I sent an email to our adoption agency telling them that our appt is set and casually said , "just checking to make sure this is our last item that needs to be checked off before sending all the documents to China". Well I got back an entire page of NEW requirements that the US just initiated for adoptions. Are you kidding me?!?!? Nope she is not kidding!!!!! Believe me CB and LB keep me busy busy busy but the fact remains there is a little girl across the ocean that is part of this family!!! I am so very blessed to know that she is being loved and prayed for in China. But as she gets older each day I know it will be harder and harder for her to separate from the life she knows in China to the new life as our daughter. Her pain will be my pain.
What is going on with international adoption? That is not really a question , I do know. The secular anti God world that we live in is against all things good and right. But I do find peace in knowing that we are doing what is good and right. Nobody ever said it was an easy path.
OK I am finished complainig. tomorrow is a new day and I will get that list done from the adoption agency! Good night sweet friends!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

One more step

We have our little check list of details that need to be checked off in order to bring Mia Caili home.
Recent items to be checked off-
1. We got our finger print appt, yeah! New requirement, PB and TB need to have their finger prints since they are over 18, even though they are in college. So we have to fly PB home from college for a day. Weekends do not work since government offices are closed weekends.
2. We went to one session of the parent/adoption education class. We are required 12 hours so 6 down and 6 to go. We drove 1 1/2 hours from home for the class. The info was actually very well addressed and the day was well worth the time and drive!
So two more things to check off, but neither one actually complete and so the list goes on...
But it will all get done.