My daughter GB asks me funny questions from time to time that stump me for some reason. Last week she asked me what my favorite flower is. Well I love to garden so believe it or not I could not think of an answer. Even the next day I could not come up with an answer. Today's question was if you could have one wish... before I could answer she looked at her friend and said"this one is easy" I answered, "just bring one more baby home from China" She said to her friend, "I told you". GB did say,"could it be a brother this time". I really would not care if it were a boy or girl but am i CRAZY just thinking about it. What is wrong with me. I just can not get all those kids who need mommys out of my mind and ultimately my heart. It makes me sad. Today walking on the beach a couple stopped me and told me of their adoption journey some 11 and 13 years ago to Russia. It is like we who have adopted all speak a common language. One that is so easily understood, especially for those of us who have adopted "later in life". For now I will be satisfied praying for and cheering on my friends that are in the midst of their journeys. Thank you God for laying this on my heart.
PS GB's favorite flower is a day lily. I still can not think of just one favorite!
Elijah's 14th birthday, February 22, 2022
5 weeks ago
You are not crazy, just passionate about lost children. Once our eyes have been opened...we are just "gloriously ruined". Life is never the same. (Praise God for that!) How are we to be consumed with our own comfort when children are living and dying without any hope? Do you want to know crazy? How about a woman who would love to adopt again whose husband is unemployed? Now THAT is insanity!!!
I pray God will show us , both, what our roles in the adoption arena will be and how we can glorify Him best!
Love your heart for orphans,
Sweet post and yes it is an incredible passion that will never leave our hearts! We are changed forever by the adoption of our children. Leaving the orphanage and not looking back is the hardest thing to do for special people like us!!! So thankful for the people who continue to endure the wait!
Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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