If you have adopted from China and keep up with current events/trends/news articles then you may have seen some recent articles about baby trafficing in China. there have been articles before but these articles have some outrageous claims on the number of adopted children that have actually have been stolen then trafficked for profit. these reports have upset me for obvious reasons,since we have two adopted daughters from China. The writers of one particular article claims huge numbers of stolen children without the proof to back his claims.
These claims may have results that some may not realize
-the focus maybe shifted from helping the children left behind
-adopted families will carry unwarranted shame
-orphans will never be adopted because families will fear that they were stolen and they will remain orphaned
-people will stop donating to awesome organizations like Show Hope,Love Without Boundaries,Half the Sky and others
-China will close it's doors to IA
-those working in the world of adoption will be doubted and scorned
I am not a fool I know there is corruption in the world of adoption. For some it is a business.But honestly I have met the most gracious, generous, Jesus loving people in the world of adoption. If shame shrouds adoption as it did it past,children will be the ones to suffer, either because they are left in the orphanages or because those who are adopted will be judged by something they had nothing to do with,there beginning. It seems that in everything pendulums swing from side to side, whether it is in the church, education, politics, fashion, and now adoption. Years ago adoptions were kept secret, shame and guilt was the result for many. I know that adoption is the call for all of God's children. HE adopted us and HE calls us to adopt. I pray that man does not corrupt what God calls the true religion. James 1:27
I am wondering what are your thoughts? Adoption for me is so very personal, my adoption in Christ and His gift of the adoption of our two daughters.
Elijah's 14th birthday, February 22, 2022
5 weeks ago
I had not heard this. But I am not surprised. The last thing Satan wants is for orphaned children to be welcomed into families, especially Christian families. He has always gone after the children, since the beginning. I read somewhere that His propensity to hate and target children may have come from the fact that Jesus came to us as a baby. The Bible is full of stories showing how Satanic leaders tried to eradicate the threat of Jesus by slaughtering the children.
Just realized that I am signed in under Hunter's blog name, Horsebackgirl. Whoops.
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