Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth and the life; if not through me, and no one can come to the Father" (John 14:6)

Isaiah 43:5

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west"

Friday, January 23, 2009


We do not get snow every year so when we have enough for the children to sled, there is great excitement in the house! My children were actually up earlier to play in the snow than they were on Christmas morning. It was Cali's first snow fall. She comes from southern China therefor it was never this cold on her sweet cheeks. We bundled her up and sent her out with Dad and the other kids and she LOVED it. When Greg wanted to bring her in (because I was sure Cali was too cold), she through a fit to go back outside. It is fun to be part of some of Cali's "firsts", since we did miss the traditional "first tooth, first step, first giggle,etc" But be sure we are delighting in the "firsts" that we do get to share with her.
By today the older kids are back in school and the snow is quickly melting. The beauty of NC snow is that it melts before it gets dirty and the Carolina blue skies begin to warm us once again.


Sherrie said...

WE are so jealous. No snow for south Alabama!!!! It sure was cold enough the past few days to snow.

Donna said...

Oh, how we missed being in NC for the snow!!