I leave most of the political banter in our house to my husband. Not because he is smarter or better than me, it is just his "thing". But I found my self thinking all day (in my free time... between making school lunches,getting the two little ones dressed & washed up, two dentist appointments, home schooling two of the 6 kids, grocery shopping,feeding my children, going to appointed play date, collecting more paper work for our taxes, going to the bank, picking up children from school, talking with our accountant, talking to the insurance company, paying some bills, doing some adoption paperwork, ect., you get the point!) about the woman democratic operative who condemned Ann Romney for not ever having a real job because Mrs. Romney had chosen to stay home and raise her 5 children. I am NOT complaining about MY JOB because unlike lots of people in this world who do not like their jobs regardless of what they do I LOVE MY JOB! and yes being a mother is my full time job! Why do we feel like that my job needs to be defended?!? Because of dumb talking heads on TV getting paid big money to say stupid things!
Our country has come so far left that I think some Americans are going off the deep end. I heard one person say well... "they have lots of money so she did not really raise her kids, they must have had cooks and nannys. So now we are bad mothers if
we have money. NO I do not have a cook or a nanny but boy have I wished for one from time to time!! And a fairy God mother too!
I do not have a great memory but I do remember some conversations more than others..these are two of them...
When I was pregnant with our first daughter I was teaching middle school. I loved my job. I worked for an excellent woman administer. She was a super mentor for me as I was just starting out in that career. I was nervous about going into her office and telling her I was not returning to work after I had delivered our daughter. After all she was a "career woman" who was actually leaving at the end of that school year to work for the Department of Education in Washington DC. She looked me straight in the eye and told me what a wonderful decision I was making. She said her children were grown, fine and healthy and they held no ills against her for working outside of the home BUT SHE missed those days of being home with them as children. And she could never get them back. She had a sadness in her eyes. That was 22 years ago...
Just last year I had a conversation with a woman, mother of 3 young adults-2 in college, one in high school. She asked me if I have other interests besides my children. She went on to add, that she had friends that lives revolved around their kids so she could barely talk to them any more.I felt like I had to defend my self worth. So I listed...I read, I garden, I blah blah blah blah... That conversation stuck with me for several days. I decided that I have not too much to talk to HER about and that was OK with me. I am now in my late 40s so I am more confident in MY job choice.
But why is motherhood being attacked?!? What little worth society has placed on our children, our families, our marriages. I am NOT for one minute knocking the moms who work INSIDE and OUTSIDE of their homes. Hats off to you, I know it must be overwhelming, and exhausting. But why in the world would another WOMAN condemn the work of motherhood. SHAME on you!
Elijah's 14th birthday, February 22, 2022
5 weeks ago
Agreeing completely! I had a similar conversation when I was pregnant with my first - down to the sadness of missing those years. It really struck me!
We missed seeing y'all today! Hopefully at the next outing!
Woo-hoo, Jody! You said it. I also love, love, love what I do. But, I do feel that most of society thinks I'm a moocher, not very bright and that I must be eating bon-bons all day! It all does go back to the devaluing of life, I believe.
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