Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth and the life; if not through me, and no one can come to the Father" (John 14:6)

Isaiah 43:5

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west"

Thursday, October 02, 2008

UNC Medical Clinic

We brought Cali to UNC today to the Cleft Palate clinic. It was a long day, we were there from 8:00am- 2:30pm. But every report was BETTER than we expected. She does have a small hole in her gum to her nose. She will need maybe two or three surgeries in the future, but not until she is about 5 years old. Her speech is great, she was able to say the important sounds-"b and d" clearly for the speech pathologist. The children psychologist was amazed by her attachment and adjustment so far. We also saw a dentist, pediatric dentist, surgeon, audiologist, ENT and I think more docs but honestly I can not remember. All and all she did great and we are so very grateful to the team at UNC


Sherrie said...

Yea!!!! Glad she got a good report and that nothing has to be done anytime soon!!! I like all the new pics that you posted. Sure do we we could see you guys soon. Summer is too long away!!! Love All The Peaks!!!

DianeUsher@nc.rr.com said...

I am so happy to hear the news about Cali! That is wonderful news that her palate is not involved. I will call you soon to find out the details of the UNC team visit. Our team visit is not until Dec 16th, so I would like to be somewhat prepared. Thank you for the update.
Diane Usher

Milli said...

I'm glad you had a good team day. They have that place done like a well oiled machine!
Saw your hubs today for my prenatal and I was supposed to give you some info here, but for the life of me I can't remember what I was supposed to say. I have enabled email off my profile though, if you want to email me.
Milli Davis (Rowan's mom)

The Weisberg Family Blog said...

It has been an amazing adventure seeing these updates and great pictures of Cali and Lily. Thank you for sharing your experience with us Jody! Happy 21st Anniversary as well!!

Nai Nai said...

So glad you got a good report. I love keeping up with your family. I am having soooo much fun with Sophie.

HeatherV said...

Hi, glad to hear the good news. :) I am way behind in reading blogs but enjoyed reading about your journey. Enjoy pushing the double stroller - it is a great workout. :) We sold ours and it was sad. But enjoy the beautiful weekend! Congrats to all of you and Welcome home.