I went to the beach this weekend with a group of ladies. We are different but we are united in two things that guide our lives-we are daughters of Christ and we have heard the call for the orphan. Although there were only 5 women, we have over 20 children,9 thru adoption from 4 different countries and we represent 3 different local churches. Our weekend was spent building friendships, telling stories about our children and sharing our adoption journeys. What I came away with was also a sense of sadness that we all share towards the church that has left the call of the orphan unheard. Why is that?????? It is so clear in the bible that we are to take care of the orphan. Where is the church leadership where are its people????
I am thankful that God has given me sisters that share the same passion for Him and His children. Pray for the orphan today.
Elijah's 14th birthday, February 22, 2022
5 weeks ago
perfectly stated:)
Love your thankful posts, Jody :) And, happy belated b-day to Cali!
I just wish I had listened much earlier!!!!! Adoption is just as wonderful as giving natural birth!!!! PTL!!!
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